Outside Temperature | 35.4°F |
Wind Chill | 35.1°F |
Heat Index | 35.4°F |
Dewpoint | 33.4°F |
Humidity | 92% |
Barometer | 29.904 inHg |
Barometer Trend (3 hours) | -0.086 inHg |
Wind | 2 mph from 338° (NNW) |
Rain Rate | 0.04 in/hr |
24h Rain Accumulation | 0.08 in |
Inside Temperature | 75.1°F |
Lake Water Temperature | N/A |
Lake Air Temperature | 34.6°F |
Garden Soil Temperature | 30.4°F |
High Temperature Avg Temperature Low Temperature |
37.4°F at 03:29:18 PM 27.0°F 20.7°F at 12:05:00 AM |
High Heat Index Low Wind Chill |
37.4°F at 03:29:18 PM 13.4°F at 01:34:02 AM |
High Humidity Low Humidity |
98% at 04:40:05 AM 88% at 12:00:52 AM |
High Dewpoint Low Dewpoint |
35.0°F at 03:29:18 PM 17.7°F at 12:00:52 AM |
High Barometer Low Barometer |
30.468 inHg at 12:05:00 AM 29.892 inHg at 03:35:00 PM |
Today's Rain | 0.08 in |
High Rain Rate | 0.08 in/hr at 02:58:38 PM |
High Wind | 12 mph from 135° at 05:38:41 AM |
Average Wind | 3 mph |
RMS Wind | 3 mph |
Vector Average Speed Vector Average Direction |
2 mph 115° |
High Inside Temperature Low Inside Temperature |
75.1°F at 02:51:43 PM 68.9°F at 04:39:35 AM |
High Lake Water Avg Lake Water Low Lake Water |
32.8°F at 12:40:00 PM 31.6°F -13.7°F at 04:10:00 AM |
High Lake Air Avg Lake Air Low Lake Air |
34.6°F at 03:50:00 PM 26.5°F 21.0°F at 12:05:00 AM |
High Soil Avg Soil Low Soil |
30.4°F at 02:05:00 PM 30.2°F 30.1°F at 12:05:00 AM |
Start civil twilight: | 07:00:05 AM |
Sunrise: | 07:29:09 AM |
Transit: | 12:47:57 PM |
Sunset: | 06:07:21 PM |
End civil twilight: | 06:36:27 PM |
Azimuth: | 229.5° |
Altitude: | 20.6° |
Right ascension: | 329.6° |
Declination: | -12.4° |
Equinox: | 03/20/2025 05:01:14 AM |
Solstice: | 06/20/2025 10:42:18 PM |
Day length: | 10 hrs, 38 mins, 12.6 secs |
Rise: | 09:27:47 PM |
Transit: | 02:44:10 AM |
Set: | 08:51:20 AM |
Azimuth: | 19.0° |
Altitude: | -49.3° |
Right ascension: | 184.1° |
Declination: | -3.0° |
New moon: | 02/27/2025 07:44:45 PM |
Full moon: | 03/14/2025 02:54:35 AM |
Phase: | Waning gibbous (90% full) |
Latitude: | 42° 12.90' N |
Longitude: | 083° 28.74' W |
Altitude: | 705 feet |
This system monitors an AcuRite 01536-RX weather station reciever using
The outdoor sensor was replaced with an AcuRite Iris 06014 PRO+ on Fri 08 Jul 2022.
Lake and Garden temps are monitored by Jeffrika Heavy Industries remote sensor systems.
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